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作者:甘肃省科学院磁性器件研究所 发表时间:2013/11/26 14:17:56  点击:5797

Institute of Magnetic Element solved the following tough problems of magnetic-driving technique in the respect of industry application:

·The magnetic circuit design of big magnetic cleft and industrial application.

·The selecting problem of materials of overflow parts, when conveying the strong corrosion and high viscosity media

·The compound problem with nonmetal and metal under high temperature.

·The plastic-pressing problem of special plastics and metal

·The friction and lubrication problem of bearings under special media

·The demagnetization problem of permanent magnetism material under high temperature

·The technical problem during conveying high-temperature and high pressure fluid

·The steam-eroding problem of about the volatile liquid such as hydrocarbon, propane and so on。

关键词: 兰州永磁电机生产厂,兰州永磁传动设备、永磁传动器,磁性器件,永磁涡轮传动,无润滑滑动轴承设计加工生产厂家
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